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Practice putting commas in sentences with adverbial clauses. In this computer program written in BBC BASIC, you will put a comma in adverbial clause sentences such as: When the lunch is ready I’ll call you. When the lunch is ready, I’ll call you. There are 18 sentences. The source code is included for your perusal.
Vocabulary Story 844  Old New York City Triumphs

Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs

1 Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs . In New York City, archaic cumbersome horse trolleys were used well into the 20th century. Fastidiously dressed owner operators of the lines were aquiasitive and suppressed newer technologies such as the subways. The rambunctuous growth of the city called for a change in the old moribund technology of the use of horses. A resilient populous denouced the execrable greed of the owners. They were maligned in the press. One incident when a man’s leg was severed was the tipping point. . 2 Vocabulary Story 844 Old New York City Triumphs . In New York City, outmoded cumbsy horse trolleys were used well into the 20th century. Impeccably dressed owner operators of the lines were greedy and held back newer technologies such as the subways. The out of control growth of the city called for a change in the old dead technology of the use of horses. A spirited populous said bad things about the hateful greed of the owners. They were called out in the press. One incident when a man’s leg was cut off was the tipping point.
Vocabulary Story 843  Pacific Island Landings of US Forces

Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces

1 Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces . In WW2, American overt island landing attempts were rebuffed by the Japanese with heavy casualties. The piquant smell of gunfire floated along the shores. This mortified the generals, who made profane comments about the situation. A better system, bolstered by subsidiary fire from naval guns had better success. Isolated units could disperse by guile during the night, making progress inland. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 843 Pacific Island Landings of US Forces . In WW2, American telegraphed island landing attempts were thrown back by the Japanese with heavy casualties. The sharp smell of gunfire floated along the shores. This embarrassed the generals, who made salty comments about the situation. A better system, supplemented by secondary fire from naval guns had better success. Individual units could scatter by stealth during the night, making progress inland. .
Vocabulary Story 845  A Sensational Singer

Vocabulary Story 845 A Sensational Singer

1 Vocabulary Story 845 A Sensational Singer . Before radio, exactly one hundred years ago; New York has suffused by vaudeville music halls. These were warranted by an entertainment hungry public. It was an age of negligence and abuses were rife. One slightly obese debutante was a paragon of a singer. She was the guru of the high C. By some feint or other she was able to sing over four octaves and was a sensation all over the city. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 845 A Sensational Singer . Before radio, exactly one hundred years ago; New York has filled with vaudeville music halls. These were called for by an entertainment hungry public. It was an age of indifference and abuses were abundant. One slightly over weight young socialite woman was a model of a singer. She was the expert of the high C. By some trick or other she was able to sing over four 8 note ranges and was a sensation all over the city. .
Vocabulary Story 846  19th century New York City Triumphs

Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs

1 Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs . An outgrowth of the fantastic growth of New York City in the 19th century was dismay. Hordes of immigrants had the city tottering on the edge of anarchy. In anguish, leaders were skeptical; thinking the city was predestined to ruin. Torpid solutions were tried, the rational being to patch things up. Then, great far seeing men and woman arose like pontiffs to pronounce bold solutions like the subway and aqueduct system to solve the issues. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 846 19th century New York City Triumphs . An result of the fantastic growth of New York City in the 19th century was shock. Droves of immigrants had the city wobbling on the edge of lawlessness. In pain, leaders were doubtful; thinking the city was fated to ruin. Weak solutions were tried, the idea being to patch things up. Then, great far seeing men and woman arose like prophets to pronounce bold solutions like the subway and aqueduct system to solve the issues. .
Vocabulary Story 854  Relics Were Central to Big Churches

Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches

1 Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches . Church leaders were shrewed. Integral to cathedrals were relics. People with reverence would travel to see them. It ruffled one wary bishop that people whittled away parts of his relic with impunity. The Church would underwrite pilgrimages to particular cathedrals; they abominated mistreatment of devote pilgrims. Occasionally whole cathedrals were pillaged if they accumulated a lot of wealth. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 854 Relics Were Central to Big Churches . Church leaders were cleaver. Central to cathedrals were objects of devotion. People with would travel to see them with respect. It bothered one watchful bishop that people carved away parts of his relic without penalty. The Church would sponsor pilgrimages to particular cathedrals; they hated the mistreatment of devote pilgrims. Occasionally whole cathedrals were ransacked if they accumulated a lot of wealth. .
Where to put commas in adverbial clause sentences.

Where to put commas in adverbial clause sentences.

In this computer program you are given sentences with an adverbial clause such as: Wherever there is supermarket there is a parking lot. The required comma is left out like above. To be right, you put the mouse in the space were a comma should go and type a comma. The comma appears and Right! appears, then the sentence turns green with the correct spacing such as: Wherever there is supermarket, there is a parking lot. There are 18 sentences with a variety of adverbial clauses.
Vocabulary Story 847  Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language

Vocabulary Story 847 Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language

1 Vocabulary Story 847 Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language . Some people’s domain is old cars. They diversify into sports cars. Space is a dilemma as the collecting mania takes hold. These people are discreet and hypercritical in purchases. They have a phraseology replete with terms to expostulate about what is good and unseemly in particular autos. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 847 Old Car Collectors Have their Own Language . Some people’s province is old cars. They vary their holdings with sports car. Space is a problem as the collecting frenzy takes hold. These people are wise and picky in purchases. They have a jargon filled with terms to argue about what is good and bad in particular autos. .
Vocabulary Story 848  English Cookery

Vocabulary Story 848 English Cookery

1 Vocabulary Story 848 English Cookery . Some people lampoon English culinary style; Good English Cooking is an oxymoron to them. So, I had foreboding and bemoaned my planned trip to England; what would I eat?; Is Fish and Chips a euphemism for greasy stuff? I was pleasantly surprised. I was able to modulate my diet to avoid too much fat which makes you senile with prolonged consumption. I made specific fiats to my cook and the results were excellent. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 848 English Cookery . Some people laugh at English cooking style; Good English Cooking is a contradictory term to them. So, I had dread and complained about my planned trip to England; what would I eat?; Is Fish and Chips a good term for greasy stuff? I was pleasantly surprised. I was able to vary my diet to avoid too much fat which gives you old age mental decline with lengthy intake. I made specific orders to my cook and the results were excellent.
Vocabulary Story 849  Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs

Vocabulary Story 849 Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs

1 Vocabulary Story 849 Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs . In a morass, a band of marauders killed Cohan’s family. Cohan was captured, inaugurating a life of servile labor, grinding corn like a mule. Ten years passed and what a revelation! Cohan grew and qualified as a muscle man with the stereotype big pecs. The raiders got to rue killing his parents. Cohan identified the man who had the quirk of using a snake as an emblem. After obloquy Cohan killed him. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 849 Cohan the Barbarian Triumphs . In a bog, a band of raiders killed Cohan’s family. Cohan was captured, beginning a life of slave labor, grinding corn like a mule. Ten years passed and what a sight! Cohan grew and would pass as a muscle man with the typical big pecs. The raiders got to regret killing his parents. Cohan identified the man who had the oddity of using a snake as an insignia. After words Cohan killed him. .
Vocabulary Story 850  Your Son Had to Follow Your Trade

Vocabulary Story 850 Your Son Had to Follow Your Trade

1 Vocabulary Story 850 Your Son Had to Follow Your Trade . It used to be an ordinance that your kin (children) had to follow your trade as a living. A clown tinted his son’s face and showed him some zany moves. This was inveterate over generations. A son would revert to his father’s trade even if it was belittled by society. Some sons felt impaled by this custom and prevaricated to get out of it. They let the authorities misconstrue their background to better themselves. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 850 Your Son Had to Follow Your Trade . It used to be an law that your family (children) had to follow your trade as a living. A clown colored his son’s face and showed him some funny moves. This was habitual over generations. A son would fall into his father’s trade even if it was disparaged by society. Some sons felt nailed by this custom and lied to get out of it. They let the authorities misunderstand their background to better themselves. .
Vocabulary Story 851  Female Nightclub Singers Sometimes Become Famous

Vocabulary Story 851 Female Nightclub Singers Sometimes Become Famous

1 Vocabulary Story 851 Female Nightclub Singers Sometimes Become Famous . Incipient chanteuses are subservient; it’s unassailable if you study their modus vivendis. Sometimes if they are telegenic they muster a following and become famous. Then they become captious. They remand food back to the kitchen if even a scintilla is out of place. She has become a diva. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 851 Female Nightclub Singers Sometimes Become Famous . Starting female nightclub singers are servile; it’s undeniable if you study their life styles. Sometimes if they are good looking on cameras they gather a following and become famous. Then they become fault finding. They send food back to the kitchen if even a bit of it is out of place. She has become a diva. . .
Vocabulary Story 853  Al Capone Gangster

Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster

1 Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster . Al Capone was the predominant gangster of the 1930’s. He was a quasi celebrity. He transcended ordinary criminals with eclectic skills. He thought of himself as a figurative Robin Hood, helping people carping against the authorities. The FBI was an anathema to him. He loitered around helplessly because they had his number. When arrested they grilled him. He became tumescent and died there in Sing Sing prison. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 853 Al Capone Gangster . Al Capone was the foremost gangster of the 1930’s. He was a semi star. He went beyond ordinary criminals with varied skills. He thought of himself as a type of Robin Hood, helping people railing against the authorities. The FBI was poison to him. He hung around helplessly because they had his number. When arrested they brutally questioned him. He became swollen and died there in Sing Sing prison. .
Vocabulary Story 852  The Typical Vampire

Vocabulary Story 852 The Typical Vampire

1 Vocabulary Story 852 The Typical Vampire . It’s a fallacy to delineate vampires a certain way, attributing stereotypical traits. Not all cringe at a pictorial image of a cross. Many defer going to bed at the knell of the morning bell. Not all live in sumptuous surroundings. Garlic is not a universal repellent; often only being a mild soporific. A liaison to a vampire tells all in a new tell all book. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 852 The Typical Vampire . It’s a untruthful to depict vampires a certain way, giving them all the same characteristics. Not all cower at an image of a cross. Many delay going to bed at the ring of the morning bell. Not all live in rich surroundings. Garlic is not a universal repellent; often only being a mild sleep inducer. A go between to a vampire tells all in a new tell all book. . .


ADVERBIAL CLAUSES 3 If an adverbial clause in the beginning of a sentence, separate it with a commas. When they wanted Batman, they turned on the Bat Search Light. Here are 18 sentences with leading adverbial clauses. Put your mouse where the comma should go and type a comma. The sentence will turn green and reappear with the correct spacing. The program has improved functioning. I have included the BBC BASIC for WINDOWS code program for your perusal.
Vocabulary Story 855  Young Female Reporter Uncovers the Truth

Vocabulary Story 855 Young Female Reporter Uncovers the Truth

1 Vocabulary Story 855 Young Female Reporter Uncovers the Truth . At the end of WW2, the degenerate Nazi society with its debauchery began to be uncovered by the press. The genesis of this was the reporting of a young female reporter. Earlier, she was ostracized and called a whelp; just made fun of. Then the levee burst. Hearts palpitated with excitement as the evil truth was revealed. Mordant comments were made against her. She was accused of perjury. However, this reporter continued in a blithe way, fighting the fight of angles. . 2 Vocabulary Story 855 Young Female Reporter Uncovers the Truth . At the end of WW2, the depraved Nazi society with its corruptions began to be uncovered by the press. The beginning of this was the reporting of a young female reporter. Earlier, she was shunned and called a gadfly, just made fun of. Then the dam burst. Hearts beat wildly with excitement as the evil truth was revealed. Deadly comments were made against her. She was accused of lying to courts. However, this reporter continued in a cheerful way, fighting the fight of angles.
Vocabulary Story 856  Elvis Presley's Secret Life

Vocabulary Story 856 Elvis Presley's Secret Life

1 Vocabulary Story 856 Elvis Presley’s Secret Life . Elvis; even though he lived in palatial patrician surroundings in Graceland, his estate, was a vulgarian at heart. It’s perpendicular walls and gates protected him from dissent. Pertinent facts have been revealed in a tell all book. He relied on his manager Colonel Parker, who he considered omniscient. He was good to all his kin, no matter how distant. He was a carnivore; favoring barbecue. He turned to drugs as a panacea for all his troubles. . 2 Vocabulary Story 856 Elvis Presley’s Secret Life . Elvis; even though he lived in rich noble surroundings in Graceland, his estate, had course and vulgar tastes. It’s tall walls and gates protected him from criticism. Relevant facts have been revealed in a tell all book. He relied on his manager Colonel Parker, who he considered all-knowing. He was good to all his family, no matter how distant. He was a meat eater; favoring barbecue. He turned to drugs as a cure-all for all his troubles.
Vocabulary Story 857  The Nature of the US Command in WW2

Vocabulary Story 857 The Nature of the US Command in WW2

1 Vocabulary Story 857 The Nature of the US Command in WW2 . The tussle that was WW2 has been studied on every level, even the metaphysical one. The US command followed principles that palliated its unmitigated homogeneous nature. Far from being presumptuous, generals were doubtful. They let ingenues give advice even though at times unwarranted. It was not an affliction adding a human caring dimension to their decisions. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 857 The Nature of the US Command in WW2 . The struggle that was WW2 has been studied on every level, even the meaning of reality one. The US command followed general rules that lessened its complete monotonous nature. Far from being prideful, generals were doubtful. They let tender young people give advice even though at times it was uncalled for. It was not a problem adding a human caring dimension to their decisions. . .
Vocabulary Story 867   Lincoln Saves the Union     Power Point version

Vocabulary Story 867 Lincoln Saves the Union Power Point version

Here are ten vocabulary words to make a story with with definitions. The challenge is to make a story with them. I provide my story ‘answer’ and a ‘translation’ paraphrase of it. The rationale is to learn to use the vocabulary words in context and learn their meaning. This story is about President Abraham Lincoln 16th US president, his humble origins and what he did.